"Nightmare In Green" & "Desert Camo" are back (Limited Time Only)

For a VERY limited time, Both the Jordan 1 "Nightmare In Green" and "Desert Camo" customs are back!  The Nightmare In Green customs will be available to order in both Men's and Women's/GS sizes while the Desert Camos will be men's sizes only but will come with the custom dog tags as before.  Both shoes qualify for the 20% Spring Sale discount (use promo code SPRING15 during checkout).  Again, these 2 items will only be made for a limited time so don't miss out!  Order each at the links below:

Nightmare In Green: http://www.ecentrik.bigcartel.com/product/air-jordan-1-nightmare-in-green-custom

Desert Camo: http://www.ecentrik.bigcartel.com/product/air-jordan-1-desert-camo-custom
